Where I’m writing

Since Twitter seems to be making the final transition from towering inferno to smoking ruins, it seems like a good opportunity to write something on a platform that isn’t in the hands of a megalomaniac toddler. Just to share some thoughts, but also to provide some links to all the other places I write things.

I’ll be sad if Twitter goes. Not just ‘boo, shame, now what’s for dinner?’ sad, but genuinely gutted. It’s been my social media platform of choice for 13 years: it’s helped me find work and built an audience for my writing, it’s expanded my knowledge and perspective on all KINDS of things, and most importantly introduced me to some amazing people who are now much-loved and trusted friends. Yes, it can be a toxic hellscape at times, but my my experience has mostly been overwhelmingly positive.

As one of life’s optimists, I’m choosing to believe that it’s all going to be fine. But just in case, here’s where else you can find me. 

1)    Here, obviously. If Twitter goes, I’ll try to blog more regularly, like it’s 2006. The original blogosphere was where it all started for me so maybe it’s time to fire up my Blogspot account again.

2)    Instagram – I’m not a huge Instagrammer, but I’ll almost certainly make more effort if and when the bird dies. Particularly book stuff, because Bookstagram is a very happy place.

3)    Mastodon – I’ve set up an account but haven’t started actively using it yet. Come and say hi, I feel like the new person who’s just arrived at the party and is still looking for the bar. In the event of Twitter’s demise, I’m assuming Mastodon will become the methadone to my Twitter heroin.

4)    My Amazon author page. I keep this up to date and add videos whenever there’s a new book out - new video coming this weekend.

5)    My Guardian articles page – where everything I’ve ever published in The Guardian over the past 14 years is detailed. If you follow me on the Guardian App it will notify you when a new article goes up – handy if you’re trying to find my Strictly liveblog on a Saturday.

6)    On Facebook, but I’ll only connect if I know you in real life, and I don’t post much.

7)    LinkedIn – I post here, but only in a day job capacity. So unless you’re keen to hear my views on marketing agency life and employer brand strategy, I’d give it a miss. Very few LOLS to be had.

Right, that’s the admin done. Don’t be a stranger, OK?


For you and me, baby


The Only Way is Up