The sound of beauty…and books

I can’t believe it’s nearly May again. Where does the year go? I guess everything slowed down in 2020 and 2021, and now things are getting back to full speed and the weeks are flying by again. Part of me is thrilled to be travelling and meeting people again, but another part of me misses having acres of time and nothing much to fill it.

May is always a busy month for me because it’s Eurovision season, which means me taking two weeks off work and going off to work as a liveblogger for Luckily I have a very understanding boss, even if he is slightly unclear about what exactly it is I do when I’m not Head Of Strategy for a marketing agency (spoiler alert: LOTS of things).

But this May is going to be particularly manic/exciting/exhausting because my second book is out on the 26th. It’s currently being printed, I’ve seen the final cover, and the early reviews are very positive. It’s a nerve-wracking business that part of me wants to hide from until it’s all over, but that’s not how the publishing machine works. You can pre-order it here in paperback, ebook or audio, which would make me very happy.

I’ll talk more about the inspiration for Never Gonna Happen nearer the launch date, when I’m back from two weeks in Turin writing about techno folklore and mournful euro-ballads. Ciao!


Hang on to your hats…


On winning, womanhood and writing your own story