Still writing…but with added sparkle

It’s September, which in my world signifies one thing…the beginning of Strictly Come Dancing. I’ve been liveblogging the show for The Guardian for over a decade, and for me it’s as much part of the framework of my year as Christmas and family birthdays.

I seriously considered not doing it this year, mostly because it’s massively time-consuming and not very conducive to having a proper job AND writing a book. Last year was a much shorter Strictly run so less of a slog, but this year it’s every weekend for a full 13 weeks. Whichever way I look at it, it’s a huge commitment.

But actually, I can’t imagine NOT doing it. In fact, the idea of not doing it feels more stressful than actually doing it. I’m sure The Guardian will pull the plug on my ramblings one day, but for now I’d like to keep spending my autumn weekends bashing away at my keyboard. Here are five reasons why:

1)    I love the show. I didn’t always love it – in fact I’ve never seen the first four or five seasons other than clips on YouTube. I have no idea what else I was doing at the time, but it wasn’t watching Strictly. Liveblogging The X Factor, probably.  

Strictly isn’t perfect, and there are definitely things about it I’d fire into the sun (*cough* Couple’s Choice *cough*), but it’s great family entertainment. I’ve been to watch the show many times and the level of effort and commitment that goes into that show is extraordinary. Regardless of my tiny contribution to proceedings, I’m a HUGE fan.

2)    I’ve learned SO much about dance. I’m not one of life’s natural dancers, not that I’ve ever let that stop me throwing wonky shapes on a dancefloor near you. But Strictly has taught me so much about footwork and hip action and free arms and frames. I’ve written down thousands of snippets of judges’ feedback, and inevitably some of that technical gubbins has stuck. So if I ever learned to dance properly (teach me, Aljaz, I’m ready and willing), at least I’d know WHY I was so bad.

3)    Every year is a new adventure. I don’t actually watch much TV (and no soaps at all), so every year the Strictly line-up is largely a game of Guess Who. But I don’t care, because the celebrities always bring everything they’ve got, and by Christmas they invariably feel like family. When you start with no expectations, EVERYTHING is unexpected. How magical and brilliant is that?

4)    It has one of the best communities on the internet. Internet comment sections are often toxic cesspools, and The Guardian is no exception. But the Strictly below-the-line community is pretty special – every week the comment box is filled with a sparkling, smart and funny fandom. Many of the Strictly Glitterati have been there as long as I have, and every year there are bunch of newbies who join in with the fun. I know for a fact that there are a bunch of liveblog readers who don’t bother with my blog and just skip straight to the comment box. I can’t blame you, but I still judge you.  

5)    It’s fun. I mean, what a ridiculous way to make a living, but it makes me SO happy. Sometimes it’s hard to find a balance of true appreciation and gently poking fun, but I remind myself that as long as it always comes from a place of love, I can’t go far wrong. Over the years we’ve added extra silliness, like a weekly drinking game and a mini-liveblog of Countryfile on Sunday that includes an assessment of how casual the outfit worn by the weatherperson is.

Obviously it’s all nonsense, and if I ever fall out of love with Strictly I’ll stop doing it. But for now, you all keep dancing and I’ll keep writing.

Strictly Come Dancing 2021 starts at 7.45pm on Saturday 18th September 2021. You can find the liveblog here about half an hour before the start of the show.     


Autumn scribblings


Look how far you’ve come